This Is Normal Part 8 – A Church That Excels in Generosity

Dec 19th 2016

A normal church excels in generosity!  Justin Henderson talks about how a normal church should excel in generosity with their time, talents and treasures.  Listen as he tells us that there are some requirements to generosity that reflects God.  It must be driven by love, freely given, and sacrificial.  Justin also shows us how generosity produces true joy through contentment, knowing God, and reflecting God.  How are you showing true generosity?  Join us Sundays at 10am!

This Is Normal Part 7 – A Church That Worships

Dec 13th 2016
Church Sermon

If we truly understand who God is, worship freely flows!  Listen as Chris Brannon tells us how worship is reflected when we come together as a church:  We see God’s empowering presence, there is worship that declares Jesus is Lord, God-exalting preaching of His Word, and an eagerness to desire and use spiritual gifts that build up the church.  He also gives us ways that we can, personally, prepare ourselves to come to real worship.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

This Is Normal Part 6 – A Church With Community Impact

Dec 08th 2016
Church Sermon

The early church wasn’t hidden, they were out there reaching thousands of people!  Justin Henderson continues our normal church series talking about the community impact that a church should have.  We should be modeling the early church and sharing Jesus with everyone.  Listen as Justin gives us the “ingredients” for community impact from Matthew 5:14-16.  God specifically places us in dark regions so that we can bring the light!  Join us Sundays at 10am in Graham, WA!

This Is Normal Part 4 – A Church That Gathers

Nov 22nd 2016
Church Sermon

We, as the church, should be the very best at reconciling since we are a community.  Justin Henderson continues in our series by speaking on a normal church that gathers together.  Listen as he reads from Acts 2:46 and breaks it down for us to show us what a normal church should look like.  They spent time together every day at the temple and in their homes.  Justin talks about what it means when we invite someone into our home and gives us the three “I’s” of having people inside our homes.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

This Is Normal Part 3 – A Church That Prays

Nov 14th 2016
Church Sermon

One of the primary qualities of the Church of the New Testament is that they were profoundly marked by their devotion to prayer.  Chris Brannon continues in our series by speaking on praying as a church.  Prayer is one of the most important things the church does.  He shows us how a praying church is a church who admits her dependence on God and does her work in the invisible realm.  In today’s sermon, we are led in prayer by various ministry leaders in the church.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

This Is Normal Part 2 – They Devoted Themselves

Nov 07th 2016
Church Sermon

No one is going to devote you, except you!  Chris Brannon continues in our series on the Church by talking about the culture of devotion to Jesus.  Listen as he tells us what it means to be devoted and how to tell what you are fully devoted to in your life.  If you don’t like what you find that you are devoted to, Chris gives us practical ways to make sure that we are fully devoted to Jesus: Live closely connected to Jesus, declare war on sin in our own lives, walk in the Spirit and display His fruit and press forward to full maturity.

This Is Normal Part 1- What Is The Church?

Nov 07th 2016
Church Sermon

What does the church of today look like and is that the way it should be?  Chris Brannon kicks off a new sermon series about the Church.  In general, the opinion of society toward the church is in severe decline.  A majority of unchurched Americans think that Christianity today is more about organized religion than about loving God and loving people.  The church Jesus died for is not weak or frail. It is robust, God-revealing and grace-filled.  Listen as Chris defines the church and talks about what Jesus established the church to become.  Join us Sunday as we continue in this sermon series.

This Is Normal Preaching Series